How to set up the AdMob Chrome extension for appmediation

How to set up the AdMob Chrome extension for appmediation

We recently mentioned on our blog that we have a Chrome extension for AdMob available. The extension lets you synchronize data from our dashboard with your AdMob account. You can get the extension for free HERE.

We’ve put together a little walk through to help you set up the extension. Trust us, it’s super easy and won’t take long. (Pro tip: you can also scroll directly to the bottom of the post and check out our video tutorial.)

So, basically you start from registering your app on the appmediation platform and setting up your account. To be able to set up the sync, make sure that you’ve chosen AdMob as one of the partner networks you’re looking to work with. Once you’re on the My Apps page on our dashboard, there’ll be an icon asking you to sync with AdMob. From there you’ll be taken to the integration page from where you can download the Chrome extension. Important: make sure that your adblock is switched off, otherwise the sync will not happen.

Now it’ll only be three more steps to having everything up and running. First log in to our dashboard and enable AdMob reporting. Then choose the Google account you wish to use for this synchronisation and log in. This will automatically enable the AdSense API, but just in case we advise you to be patient – it may take a few moments before everything is ready. Make sure you give permission where needed, otherwise the sync will not happen. And now the only thing left is to complete the third step: open the browser extension and click on the sync button.

That’s it! You’re done! And your AdMob Chrome extension for appmediation should now be running smoothly.

Didn’t have time to go to #MWC2018? Don’t worry, here’s a recap!

Didn’t have time to go to #MWC2018? Don’t worry, here’s a recap!

When we say MWC, we are, of course, talking about #MWC2018 aka Mobile World Congress 2018. This year’s event was a bit of a milestone for us. You see, it was the first big industry event we attended and we had the pleasure to exhibit there together with our sister company Adcash.

We had a really great time getting together with everyone who had booked a personal meeting with our team, but also each and every person who just came by our booth or attended our happy hour! (Btw, keep an eye on our website as a future reference, because we’ll be going to more events and you can always book meetings in advance with our team members!)

So what happened at MWC? It was a whirlwind of a week! According to the GSMA official stats, more than 100 000 people attended the event from over 205 countries. We were one among the 2 400 exhibitors! It was great to see such an interest in us – our booth was constantly packed with visitors. We were part of the official Mobile Advertising and Apps Tour with Clemence, our VP of Sales, giving presentations about appmediation. We even received visits from the current European Commission VP for the Digital Single Market and the Estonian Minister of Entrepreneurship and IT!

A shout out to everyone who came by our booth! We cannot wait to attend more events in the future and meet more people!

Photos taken by our team members and Linda Uldrich, courtesy of Enterprise Estonia.

Our partner networks and the inventory we work with

Our partner networks and the inventory we work with

We’ve been working hard and making deals to expand our network of demand partners. Of course, we aim to connect our app publishers with as many major and premium partners as we can possibly find. That’s an ongoing process – we simply never rest!

Efficiency in transparency

We’re not shy about who we work with. Quite the opposite, in fact. Our top quality demand network is the result of dedicated effort. We openly disclose all our demand partners on our website and, naturally, notify every time we have added a new batch. But that’s not all. Our publishers can see all the partners and how they are bidding on the reporting level as well. This kind of transparency means that our publishers can choose who they work with and essentially have a higher chance to earn more as well.

Our partners

So, who do we work with exactly? Feast your eyes on the latest list of the demand networks that we work with:

  • Facebook Audience Network
  • AdMob*
  • AdColony
  • Applovin
  • Tapjoy
  • Vungle
  • Chartboost
  • Unity ads
  • Inmobi
  • Mintegral
  • Ogury
  • StartApp
  • myTarget

*We even have a shiny new Chrome extension in place for synchronizing AdMob applications with appmediation.

As you can see, we have established ourselves well in the American, European and Middle Eastern markets. We are currently also putting a serious focus into building relationships with Asian and Russian players. According to our Managing Director Sushant Patil, the appmediation direction is to clearly strive for full world-wide coverage: “Our team is constantly working on striking deals with new and diverse demand partners to build a truly international network. At the same time we are also continuously onboarding app publishers with very different products and inventory.”

Diversity of demand

When we speak of diversity we don’t only mean geographical reach. We’re also talking about different types of content with very specific audiences. While have demand from networks with diverse advertising needs, we also work with all kinds of apps. We are COPPA compliant and we also employ the mature filter, which means that we honour all app attributes.

We’ve mentioned numerous times by now that we are hungry for accomplishments and not ones to take it easy. So it’s not really too surprising that we’re also working on some major technical developments. Stay tuned because we’ll be launching our news soon and we want you to be the first to find out!